Jun 052019

Chelsea, Godfrey and Hermoza are 3 first-year Digital Music and Media students who are keeping themselves busy outside of class with a number of musical projects. Together, all three are part of a group called “Radio”. Godfrey and Hermoza also play in another great band: Sunset Moth.

They came to the CILL and told us all about their favorite artists, which classes they are most enjoying, the highs and lows of live performance and where they see their own musical paths taking them in the future.

It was great to sit down and hear these promising students’ thoughts, but it would be even better to hear them play, so make sure you check out Radio and Sunset Moth live and show them some love!





Jun 152018

去年暑假,我們的學生北上實習,有的去了上海,有的去了北京,還有在古都西安和南京的。 今天我們就請來了兩位在南京和西安實習的甘同學和吳同學,分享他們在實習過程的有趣經歷。 甘同學在六朝古都西安實習,他實習的崗位是秦始皇陵兵馬俑的導賞員,每天負責接待全國乃至世界不同地方的來賓參觀,并向他們介紹兵馬俑的歷史,包括每個坑的發掘過程。 1  2 4   6 另一位吳同學去了南京一家五星級酒店做市場推廣及海報設計,主要職責是對內和酒店不同部門協調溝通,對外和出版商以及印刷廠聯繫,通過這一個月的實習,吳同學認為自己的普通話水平有了很大的提升。 8     1   繁忙的工作之餘,我們的同學也不忘體驗當地的美食,欣賞當地的美景: 甘同學最推薦的就是西安的回民街,它是西安著名的美食文化街,是西安特色小吃最集中的街区。街道两旁大量的美食店铺,近300种特色风味小吃,各種清真副食、餐饮店和回民小吃店扑面而来。甘同学最喜欢的就是当地出名的小吃,肉夹馍加冰峰汽水。 1   2 13  14 吳同學就來到了夫子廟,它是一座位於南京市秦淮河北岸貢院街的孔廟。經過大力發展,現在形成了以夫子廟為中心、廟市街景合一的秦淮風光景區,也是集文化、旅遊、購物、服務為一體的文化活動中心。 21   20 8  11 就請我們一起來體驗同學們的有趣經歷吧。   主持人:謝芷瑩 FID124301_2D 受訪者:吳永康 AIP114503_2B 甘源龍AIP114503_2B

Feb 262018

The years that students spend in College can be one of the most exciting and rewarding periods of their lives. They are able to pursue the subjects they love and find a new level of freedom and trust from their teachers. However, they can be stressful and tumultuous (混亂的) years as well, full of changes, and often students need help, advice or just a reminder that there are people who care about their wellbeing.

With that in mind, the following interview is for anyone who may be dealing with negative thoughts, social anxiety (社交焦慮), or trauma (心理創傷), or for anyone who knows someone who might be. When depression (抑鬱), isolation (孤獨) or grief (悲傷) appear, it can feel overwhelming, but there are ways to make it easier

In this episode, our student interviewers, Danny and Keith, speak to Phyllis and Dino from the Student Development Office (SDO) about these issues, and discuss ways to either cope (應付) oneself, or help someone else.


They speak about common misconceptions (誤解) around depression, such as the feeling that “it’s all my fault” or that you are alone in feeling this way. Of course, many people struggle with negative thoughts, but some are better at hiding it. The message here is: You are not alone. These are common feelings. Seeking help can be a little scary, though, as it means admitting (承認) something is wrong. Sometimes, the hardest thing is trusting someone else enough to be honest.

Many students will experience hardship or loss, and may not have the supports in place to help them work through it. Phyllis suggests three things to help work through these difficult times: staying connected to other people, physical exercise, and getting enough sleep.


In addition to these three habits, seeking help from trained professionals is usually helpful. Students are encouraged to visit the Student Development Office at LW113 or write them at dilwl-sdo@vtc.edu.hk if they ever feel the need for a helping hand, or just a confidential (機密的) conversation. Students who would like to help are also strongly encouraged to ask about the Peer Counselor Training Program, where they can learn how to best support friends and fellow students.

Asked for any final advice they might have for students who are dealing with negative feelings, Dino repeats a simple maxim:

Pain is short. Life is long. You are strong.

Young people often worry that the way they feel now will be the way they will always feel. It may take time, work and patience, but there is a way to find happiness again.

We sincerely thank everyone involved with this interview for taking the time to discuss the important topic of mental health, and remind students to reach out and ask for help when things get tough. We all need help sometimes. You are not alone.

Special thanks to our DJs:

Danny Kong (DE114104-2F) HD in Digital Music and Media

Castro, Keith Cyrus Angeles (DE114104-2F) HD in Digital Music and Media

Nov 272017

This is a very special program today, as our energetic and charismatic student host, Danny, sits down with Mr. Flansco Yan from the SEN Teaching Support Team of the Principal’s Office to discuss issues related to students with disabilities. Many students in Hong Kong cope with physical disabilities, behavioural disorders, or developmental or emotional issues. These issues can make school life, an already stressful and sometimes frustrating experience, even tougher. In turn, our teachers and staff have the difficult job of trying to look out for every student and anticipate how to support them individually.


In this interview, Danny and Mr. Yan discuss several of the impairments our students are living with, and suggest strategies for peers and teachers to effectively help friends and students who might be struggling a little bit harder in a world often designed for just one type of person.

They begin their conversation by considering some of the more common conditions and disabilities the SDO encounters, such as dyslexia, motor and hearing impairment, and Asperger’s and autism.

From there, they discuss the importance of “peer support” – that is, students supporting other students – and Mr. Yan mentions that the SDO actually runs programs that can train students to become Peer Counsellors. Most people are more comfortable talking to friends than teachers, counsellors, or even parents, so it’s good to know how to help when our friends and classmates reach out to us.


Mr. Yan then gives advice to teachers, in terms of how they can better accommodate the range of needs present in the classroom, including before and after lessons. So, teachers: Listen up!

Mr. Yan then shares a nice analogy when Danny asks about the similarities between students: Essentially, we’re not all the same, and that’s a good thing. According to an old Chinese expression, every finger on your hand has a different size, shape, and strength, but each has something special it can do, and each one is necessary for your hand to function. Similarly, while students may have deficits in one area, in another area they might be uniquely gifted, and sometimes those gifts will only be revealed when everyone works together.

The interview ends with some stories of the positive outcomes Mr. Yan has witnessed (and helped bring about). However, he is clear-eyed about the fact that successes come and go, and it is important to always be turning to those next to us and asking ourselves, again and again, if we can help.

Special thanks to our student DJ:
Danny KONG (DE114104-2F) HD in Digital Music and Media

Jun 272017









讓我們一起聆聽他們的獲獎感言! 懇請各位同事更我們的學生宣傳這期節目! 觀看視頻請點擊: 別忘了鼓勵同學到Facebook 參與問答環節:   感謝您的支持! Radio708

Mar 062017

With all the activity at HKDI/LWL during the International Fortnight, we thought it would be great to go talk to some folks about their experiences in cross-cultural learning. Our two roaming correspondents, Ernest and Florin, went into the heart of the action to hear from a range of students and staff.

First, they speak to some international students about the struggles and successes they’ve had as non-native Cantonese speakers living in Hong Kong. They urge fellow students in a similar situation to get over their shyness, and just try to speak a little Cantonese whenever they can.

Next, Ernest and Florin secure an exclusive interview with LC Centre Head Carol Sze for her very first Radio 708 appearance. She discusses some excellent strategies for improving one’s Cantonese and for integrating into Hong Kong culture. Carol also suggests the power of the internet should be something all students should be taking advantage of when it comes to language acquisition.

After that, they speak to the new Academic Director of the Languages Discipline, Gary Au, about his own language-learning journey. Spoiler alert: the key to learning English may just be a steady diet of 1980s reggae music. He also discusses how technology is changing how young people learn.

Finally, Dr. Albert C. Cheuk, the Principal of Youth College, talks about the value of real-life, immersive learning situations, and how they can complement what is taught in the classroom. He also gives some suggestions on easy ways to improve your English without spending hours in the library. The good news is that you can explain to your parents that watching TV is actually homework! (As long as it’s in English)

It was enlightening to get such different perspectives. The theme across all the interviews seems to be that finding ways to use English (or language you want to learn) in your everyday life is the best way to become more confident.

Thanks to all who participated, and especially to Ernest and Florin for their hard work and wonderful interviewing style.

Student Interviewers:

TAM Yuen Yu Ernest

Programme code: IT114201-1A


GANTER Florin Bodo Hartmut

Programme Code: FS123002B-1A

Mar 062017








IT114115-1B 鄧梓汶
DE114303-1A 程惠鈴

IT114115-1B 梁煒楠
DE114303-1G 吳穎詩



Feb 062017








本期節目邀請了怪人製作的成員 HKDI傳意設計與數碼媒體專業的趙錦添,給你講述一個YouTube大咖的成長故事。

嘉賓:趙錦添       主持:陳彥彤     攝影及剪輯:李文樂

Oct 112016

Transmedia 1


Transmedia 2

受訪的徐同學和劉同學最近一直在做《紀念日》的超媒體宣傳,他們選擇了facebook作為宣傳平台,上載與該電影相關的文字和照片,甚至視頻,讓粉絲可以在網上追溯電影主角的過去;而且,facebook 還有一個好處,它可以把角色的家庭關係列出來,令粉絲更清楚角色的來龍去脈。主辦方就可以通過平台和粉絲互動,和他們聊天,吸引他們融入故事,推動故事發展。在訪問中,兩位同學會與大家分享他們的親身經歷,以及他們對超媒體的看法。看完了整個訪問後,別忘了到臉書參加有獎問答遊戲呀。

Radio 708 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/radio708/

嘉賓:徐元澤、劉廣生   CDM114109-1-2 超媒體專業高級文憑
主持:施逸廷 CDM124101-1-4 廣告專業高級文憑

Jun 082016

Beatboxing is simulating drum beats by using one’s mouth, lips, tongue and voice. It’s very convincing. You wouldn’t believe your ears! Check out the below video about DILWL’s talented beatboxers! They are gonna chat about how they start their journey to becoming the next great beatboxers.


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